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  • Clovr - Disposable Vape Pen - Banana Munson - Hybrid - [0.3g] by Clovr

Banana Munson Vaporizer


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Product description

A celebration of skunky, sweet, old-school tradition, Banana Munson combines Banana OG and Munson for a pungent and bracing experience that will make long-haulers feel right at home. It’s associated with an immediate sense of uplift flowing into a drowsy and satisfied euphoria. And it’s a hard one to get just right, which is why it’s part of our Native Series, a collection of distinctive favorites rigorously researched, tested, and brought down to earth. Taste and aroma: Earthy, Pine, Banana, Citrus, Skunky Dominant Terpenes: D-Limonene, Myrcene, Beta-Pinene, Alpha Pinene, Beta-Caryophyllene Solvent Free and Filler Free


Strain Typeindica
StrainBanana Munson

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