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  • Sinse - Prepack - Josh D x Local Skunk - Indica Dominant - [3.5g] by Sinse

Sinse – Prepack – Josh D x Local Skunk – Indica Dominant – [3.5g] – Flower


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Product description

Josh D. X Local Skunk is a hybrid strain that provides euphoric and happy effects while still saddling users with potent mid-level sedation. Many users find that it provides a stout jolt immediately to the head and right behind the eyes, leaving your mind and body with a warm tingling sensation that comes in waves. The cerebral effects of the strain make it great for relieving migraine pain and chronic stress. This heavy hitting high is recommended for evening use, making it great for cozy nights in or relaxing outdoor activities.

May Relieve: -Anxiety -Insomnia -Migraines -Chronic Pain -Appetite Stimulant -Stress -Depression


Strain Typeindica
StrainJosh D x Local Skunk

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