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  • Mint Chip Dream Chocolate by Panda

Mint Chip Dream Chocolate 1:1 THC:CBN 100mg 10-pack

103 mg THC14.84 mg CBD87.5 mg CBN
Only 14 left, order soon!
    • Earn 6.67% back in Proper Rewards.
    • Delivery unavailable

    Product description

    Say hello to the cool side of the pillow with this minty dark chocolate classic. Snappy dark chocolate with natural mint extract. Infused with an equal parts blend of THC and CBN.
    CBN is a sedative cannabinoid that is commonly used for insomnia.

    Panda Chocolate is churned for a full day with predosed cocoa butter to ensure even dosing and maximum efficacy. Always ethically and sustainably sourced.

    100mg THC and 100mg CBN per package. 10mg THC and CBN per piece.


    Pieces per unit10
    Total THC103 mg (0.21% / 10.3 mg per piece)
    Total CBD14.84 mg (0.03% / 1.48 mg per piece)
    Total CBN87.5 mg (0.18% / 8.75 mg per piece)

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