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  • Teal - Live Resin Disposable Vape Cart - Bangarang - Hybrid - [.5g] by Teal

Bangarang Vaporizer


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Product description

This strain is considered a holy grail of sorts for patients seeking the strongest high. Energy levels are high, making this a good daytime strain. Bruce Banner is a highly effective painkiller, but it's also good for anxiety, depression, nausea, and sleeplessness. The dominant flavor is sweet, with notes of citrus and a strong, pungent smell. The aroma is very similar, with a flowery herbal overtone that's accented by creamy vanilla and fresh nutty anise. You'll feel the heady effects hit you almost as soon as you experience your final delicious exhale, with a slight tingle in the forehead and behind the eyes. This tingle will quickly work to numb any negative or racing thoughts, replacing them with a sense of hazy euphoria and a tranquil calm. This tingle will soon work its way throughout your entire body, leaving you fully couch-locked and pretty sedated before you finally doze off. These effects make Cookie Pie a great choice for treating conditions such as depression, chronic stress, insomnia, chronic pain and cramps or muscle spasms.


Strain Typehybrid

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