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  • Sinse - Prepack - Island Fritter - Hybrid - [3.5g] by Sinse

Sinse – Prepack – Island Fritter – Hybrid – [3.5g] – Flower


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Product description

Island Fritter, a true hybrid strain, is known for its powerful and relaxing high. The high can be euphoric and giggly without making one's mind waver too much. Many users initially find Island Fritter to be incredibly euphoric as it imparts a huge burst of creativity. Although it sounds like this would be an ideal time to work on an art project or write a new song, most will be far too relaxed to actually do anything with their newfound inspiration. As the high progresses, this sedation only intensifies and brings individuals to a place that's full of body heaviness and, eventually, sleepiness.


Strain Typehybrid
StrainIsland Fritter

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