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  • Sinse - Prepack - Ghost Train Haze - Sativa Dominant - [7g] by Sinse

Sinse – Prepack – Ghost Train Haze – Sativa Dominant – [7g] – Flower


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Product description

With high levels of Terpinolene, Ghost Train Haze gives you all the giddy energy you need for a night on the town, to work on that creative project, or to just make staying in and playing video games even more of a blast. With the calming Myrcene coming in at 2nd place, Ghost Train Haze makes sure to keep you from feeling too racy. If you've been looking for something to get you up and out of a funk, Ghost Trian Haze is just the strain you need.

Terpenes: Terpinolene, Myrcene, Pinene, Limonene


Strain Typesativa
StrainGhost Train Haze

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