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  • Proper Cannabis - Prepack - Moonbow 112 IX #4 - [3.5g] by Proper Cannabis

Moon Bow 3.5g Flower


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3.5g pre-packed units - add more and pay less per gram

27g$80.00 $90.00($11.43/g)
414g$150.00 $180.00($10.71/g)
828g$275.00 $360.00($9.82/g)
1656g$500.00 $720.00($8.93/g)
2484g$700.00 $1,080.00($8.33/g)

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Product description

Lineage: Moonbow #112 F1 x Moonbow #112 F2 #60

A little Moonbow is the perfect way to wind down your evening, helping to wash away the day's stresses and bring on a full-body high. It is deeply flavorful, with a sweet berry aroma and a citrusy, spicy taste.


StrainMoon Bow

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