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  • Illicit - Prepack - Bruce Banner - Hybrid - [3.5g] by Illicit

Illicit – Prepack – Bruce Banner – Hybrid – [3.5g] – Flower


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Product description

Terpene Profile: d-Limonene, alpha-Humulene, Nerolidol 2, beta Myrcene, beta-Pinene

Strain Type: Hybrid

Lineage: [OG Kush] x [Strawberry Diesel]

Breeder: Dark Horse Genetics

This homage to the comic book legend could turn even the Incredible Hulk into a mild mannered everyman. It's a powerfully relaxing hybrid, with Sativa-dominant genes that deliver a massive dose of THC. Bruce Banner originates from a cross between Ghost OG and Strawberry Diesel that makes this a holy grail of sorts for patients seeking the strongest high. CBD contents, however, are low, so this is not an ideal choice for conditions that respond to that chemical.

The head high is intensely euphoric, combined with strong creativity and a whole-body mood boost. Energy levels are high, making this a good daytime strain. Bruce Banner is a highly effective painkiller, but it's also good for anxiety, depression, nausea, and sleeplessness.

The dominant flavor is sweet, with notes of citrus and a strong, pungent smell. The bud has a heavily frosted appearance due to a thick layer of resinous glands.


Strain Typehybrid
StrainBruce Banner

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